GAs (Girls in Action)
GA’s is for girls ages Kindergarten through 5th Grade. We meet on Sunday evenings at 6:00 pm (except 4th Sunday when C.A.R.E. Ministry meets). We prepare weekly lessons that are Biblically based and fun. The lessons engage the GA’s in thinking about what God’s Word says about how to live a mission’s lifestyle that honors God.
Girls in Action is a dynamic mission’s discipleship endeavor. Our GA’s pray for active missions being carried out right here in our church, our community, our state and around the world. The Girls in Action at Glenwood Baptist Church are very active in supporting local missions. Over the past year we have given to the local women’s shelter. We have prepared care packages to send to MK’s (Missionary Kids) around the United States. We packaged 50 shoeboxes for Samaritan’s Purse. We have written letters of encouragement to missionaries, and we have participated in the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering.
GA Motto: “Go Forward!”
GA Pledge: “As a GA, I will do my best to live a mission’s lifestyle that honors God by learning about missions, praying for missions, giving to missions, doing missions, and participating in the work of the church.”
GA Scripture Verse: “Give thanks to the Lord. Worship Him. Tell the nations what He has done. Announce how honored He is” (Isaiah 12:4 NIRV).
GA Leaders: Sarah Brewer, Heather Ray, and Sonni Gay
Our GA’s at Glenwood would love for you to come and be a part of what God is doing in us and through us!